CSE221 - lec14: Scheduling:Scheduler Activation & Decades of Wasted Cores
Nov 22, 2024
Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-level Management of Parallelism
Threading Model
User Level Threads v.s. Kernel Level Threads
User Level Thread | Kernel Level Thread |
managed at user-level | managed at kernel level, OS is aware of kernel level threads |
purpose: express the concurrency in applications | leverage physical parallelism |
flexible, customizable, specializable | more isolation |
less kernel crossing, less overhead | ㅤ |
kernel events are hidden from user-level(e.g. thread block in kernel for I/O; OS can preempt underlying kernel threads) | ㅤ |
Scheduler Activations
- OS allocate cores to user-level by creating and handing a scheduler activation to user level library.
- user level library schedules threads on cores
- when OS want to remove a core from user-level, it preempt 2 scheduler activations, (one for upcall) and upcall to user-level library, user-level library can make decisions on scheduling according to this action.
- pros & cons of user-level and kernel level threads
- use upcall to delegate decision to user-level
The Linux Scheduler: a Decade of Wasted Cores
Scheduler Goals
- enforce policy (e.g. fairness, priority …)
- no starvation
- work conservation: no cores sit idle when there are threads waiting
- performance
- efficient: power consumption, cache behavior
- general purpose
Single Core Scheduling
Trivial Scheduler
- use a FIFO queue to schedule threads
CFS(Completely Fair Scheduling)
- preemptive: make scheduling periodically (timeslice)
- weighted
- implemented via RB Tree (key is vruntime)
Multi-core CPU Scheduling
- use per-core run queue to reduce contention
Challenges on Scheduling with Multi-core CPU
- how to address imbalanced load (combined with priority requirement)
- complex cache hierarchy: try to avoid unnecessary migration (how to balance this with utilization goal, since migrate to idle cpu improve utilization)
- (below is a NUMA node that shows cache hierarchy)
Linux Load Balancing
- “emergency”: idle core try to steal work from busy cores
- periodically do load balancing
- on-wakeup: try to wake up on idle cores
- load metric: combine weight and average CPU utilization
- balance load bottom up
- scalable scheduler design with per-core run queue
- different approach to balance load
- cpu scheduling can be tricky